Did you know that every single color on the color spectrum has frequencies of a distinct vibration that is related to a different physical symptom? Enter Color Light Therapy, the use of light and color combined to improve health and well-being. This may sound like a new millennial trend, but it is actually a science that uses colors to change the vibrations in your body into frequencies.
Color light therapy has been around since the late 19th century. It uses the light source from an incandescent bulb to transmit light. Adding specific colors to it can have many healing benefits. Color light therapy is already being used in hospitals and health spas as therapeutic, for calming stress and healing physical pain. Many of today’s modern homes are getting a lighting upgrade by incorporating this therapeutic system in their baths.
The end result is health, harmony, and healing in the comfort of your own home.In this article, you will read about Color Light Therapy and how it can help improve your quality of life or that of your loved ones. Many swear by color light therapy’s anti-aging capabilities. If you’ve been thinking about a lighting upgrade in your home, particularly in your bath, you should consider incorporating color light therapy into your upgrade.
Color Light Therapy at Home
Imagine coming home after a long, frustrating day. Wouldn’t it be nice to have color light therapy in your own home, where you can light up your bath water with an innovative chromatherapy tub? Want to soothe aches and pains and relax your day away? The built-in color light system can turn an ordinary bath into soothing spa therapy at home.
Every color incites emotion and restores balance. Each has a unique vibration, with frequencies that can mold and shape our emotions and how we feel inside.
- Red – elevates blood pressure and increases the breathing rate.
- Orange – soothes tiredness and lifts depression.
- Yellow – energy, stimulates enthusiasm, improves muscle tone.
- Green – calming, provides calmness and enhances sleep.
- Blue -tranquillity, produces a feeling of peace and reduces muscle tension.
- Purple – activates your imagination.
- Indigo – encourages inspiration and creativity
- Magenta – improves vitality and mobility.
More and more health professionals are utilizing light and color therapies as a way to heal emotions and physical pain, and to restore balance in the body.
Health Benefits of Biophotonic RED Light
Biophotonic RED Light increases blood circulation and reduces muscle and joint pain. Red light therapy can be used in homes to:
- Accelerate cell immune response by fighting viruses and bacteria.
- Regenerate new skin and blood cells.
- Treat arthritis and reduces inflammation.
- Stimulate stem cell growth.
Health Benefits of Biophotonic BLUE Light
Blue Light Therapy and natural sunlight can increase melatonin and serotonin levels to reduce anxiety and depression effectively.
Blue light has even been used to treat obesity, especially on those who easily gain weight in the darker winter months.
Other benefits of blue light therapy are:
- Used in hospitals to treat newborns with jaundice.
- Used to improve sleep and prevent certain types of cancer.
- Effectively treats Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which causes depression due to lack of sunshine.
From Lighting Upgrade to In-Home Spa
You can enjoy the healing benefits of color light therapy simply by upgrading the lighting in your home. With the right type of light dimming and color, you can reduce stress, soothe pain and even become inspired!
Want to know more about color light therapy? Call the experts at Albritton Services in Ruston, LA at 318-251-0885 for an introduction to color light therapy and how it can improve the quality of your life. Albritton Services provides plumbing and electrical service in Ruston.